bokeh japanese word - What is bokeh and how should I use it Nikon

bokeh japanese word - What is bokeh Digital Camera World demo slot mokapos Correct pronunciation of bokeh PhotoGuide Japan Blog Bokeh is a Japanese word that means blur or haze and it refers to the quality of the outoffocus areas in a photo Learn how to pronounce it what factors affect it and how to capture good bokeh in your images Bokeh is a Japanese word so the pronunciation is slightly tricky Its two sharp curt syllables with the emphasis on the first boh as if youre saying bow tie but without the w on the end and keh as if youre saying kettle What is bokeh and how should I use it Nikon What is bokeh exactly Photography Stack Exchange What Is Bokeh in Photography and How Do You Create It Bokeh A Photographer39s Guide PetaPixel Bokeh comes from the Japanese word boke ボケ which means blur or haze or bokeaji the blur quality Bokeh is pronounced BOHKə or BOHkay Visit any photography website or forum and youll find plenty of folks debating the pleasing bokeh that their favorite fast lenses allow Is bokeh a Japanese word Yes the Japanese word is ボケ It means blur or haze ボケ The Japanese Meaning of Bokeh Japanese Universe The correct spelling for bokeh is boke as it is derived from the Japanese word ボケ However when the term started to appear in the US everyone pronounced it as if it rhymed with coke or joke Understanding Bokeh BH eXplora BH Photo Video Learn the meaning pronunciation and origin of bokeh a Japanese word for the blurry effect in photography See translations in Hungarian and Indonesian and examples of usage in English Understanding Bokeh in Photography A Complete Guide Bokeh is an English word that is a translation of the Japanese word 暈け or ボケ that means blurspecifically outoffocus blur So why not just use the already established word blur Because the simple English word blur can be applied to motion blur as well In photography bokeh ˈ b oʊ k ə BOHkə or ˈ b oʊ k eɪ BOHkay 1 Japanese is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in outoffocus parts of an image whether foreground or background or both It is created by using a wide aperture lens Bokeh comes from the Japanese word boke which means blur Wikipedia Bokeh When photographers discuss bokeh they are talking about its aesthetic quality And as silly as it might seem bokeh can be an important consideration in many photographs An English transliteration of a Japanese word that means haze or blur Pronounced boh keh it refers to the outoffocus areas in a photograph with limited depth of field particularly around but not limited to the highlight areas Bokeh appears as little circles in the unsharp areas Understanding Bokeh The art and science behind the beauty of Learn what bokeh is how to pronounce it and how to create it in your photos Bokeh is a Japanese word that means blur or haze and it describes pola gacor pg soft hari ini the smoothness and quality of background blur in a photograph Bokeh comes from the Japanese word bokeru which means blur Bokeru can also refer to a senile person meaning that the person is not mentally sharp And dont ever pronounced it bakah or baka especially when youre taking someones portrait Bokeh for Beginners Nikon USA Learn the meaning and examples of komorebi sunlight filtering through leaves and bokeh blur in outoffocus areas in photography See stunning photos by Marilyn Armstrong and read comments from other bloggers KOMOREBI AND BOKEH JAPANESE THE PHOTOGRAPHY LANGUAGE bokeh Wiktionary the free dictionary What Is the Bokeh Effect and How to Achieve It in Photos The Japanese Meaning of Bokeh The word bokeh comes from the verb bokeru in Japanese The original meaning for this verb was to go senile which we will discuss in a moment In Japanese it can be written 呆ける 惚ける or just ボケる Bokeh is all about the depth of field of an image When you capture an image the depth of field is the certain distance from the camera where everything is in focus The depth of field can be deep where the everything from the minimum focus distance of the lens to infinity is in focus or extremely shallow where for example the nose of a Ethereal and dreamlike the bokeh effect is a specific photographic style that features areas of both blur and sharp focus and is super easy to achieve Heres our complete guide on how to create a bokeh effect plus its Japanese origins and impact in photography art and film Bokeh Glossary Information RWJemmett camera and Bokeh is a Japanese word meaning blurred or hazy and it39s used to describe the character of the outoffocus areas of a photographic image Learn how bokeh is created how it affects the composition and mood of a shot and how to achieve good bokeh with different lenses and apertures Why did the Japanese word bokeh become popularized Bokeh meaning use in photography Sebastian Boatca Bokeh Wikipedia Bokeh is a word we use to describe the appearance of outoffocus blur It comes to us from the Japanese phrase bokeaji ボケ味 which literally means the flavor or taste of the blur In English the phrase was shortened while h was added to aid in pronunciation Videos for Bokeh Japanese Word Bokeh a term derived from the Japanese word boke meaning blur is central to the aesthetic quality of photography and videography This phenomenon creates a soft pleasing effect that can What Is Bokeh and Why Are So Many Photographers Fstoppers Everything youve ever wanted to know about bokeh and its history The word Bokeh actually comes from the Japanese word boke ボケ which means blur The h at the end was added to emphasize on the correct pronunciation by the English speakers Bokeh refers to the quality and aesthetics of the blurry parts out of focus areas in an image taken trik main gaple menang terus by a photographic lens

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