lirik helena my chemical romance - Lirik My Chemical Romance Helena Terjemahan dan Makna

lirik helena my chemical romance - Find the full lyrics of Helena situs togel toto macau a song by American rock band My Chemical Romance inspired by the death of their grandmother The song is from their second album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and was featured in the film House of Wax My Chemical Romance Helena lyrics YouTube About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Find the official lyrics of Helena a song by My Chemical Romance with 9 meanings and explanations Read the songwriters the chorus and the original lyrics of this 2024 rock anthem My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics AZLyricscom My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics Lyricscom Read the lyrics of Helena a song by American rock band My Chemical Romance inspired by the death of their grandmother The song is from their second album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and features in the film House of Wax Lyrics for Helena by My Chemical Romance Songfacts Long ago Just like the hearse you die to get in again We are so far from you Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate The lives of everyone you know And whats the worst you take worst you take From every heart you break heart you break And like the blade you stain blade you stain Well Ive been holding on tonight Chorus Whats the worst thing I could say At the zenith of the early 2000s emo wave My Chemical Romance etched their name into the hearts of a generation with Helena a poignant masterpiece cloaked in raven black and fervent emotion More than a mere charttopping hit Helena stands as a solemn tribute an elegy encased in thundering guitars and impassioned vocals dedicated to those lost but never forgotten My Chemical Romances Helena Lyrics Meaning Lirik Lagu Helena My Chemical Romance KapanLagicom Find the full lyrics of Helena a song by the American rock band My Chemical Romance on this web page The song is about a girl who dies in a car accident and the singers regret and guilt My Chemical Romance Helena lyrics Musixmatch Helena is a song by My Chemical Romance that pays tribute to the singers late grandmother Elena Rush and also tells a fictional story of a man who regrets killing a woman named Helena The song title is also an alternate name of the track and the lyrics include the phrase so long and goodnight Mindless Self Indulgence Shut Me Up The bass the rock the mic the treble I like my coffee black just like my metal With the bass the rock the mic the treble I like my coffee black just like my metal Cause I cant wait for you to Helena by My Chemical Romance Lyrics Meaning Unraveling the Heart Find the lyrics of Helena a song by American rock band My Chemical Romance inspired by togel hongkong malam the death of their grandmother The song is from their second album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge and features in the film House of Wax Lirik dan Terjemahan Lagu Helena My Chemical Romance So Long And A tribute to the late grandmother of Gerard and Mikey Way Helena is a song from the album May Death Never Stop You Read the lyrics annotations QA and watch the music video of this emo rock My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics Lyricscom Lirik My Chemical Romance Helena Terjemahan dan Makna Lagu Helena adalah salah satu lagu populer dari album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge band My Chemical Romance Lirik dan terjemahan lagu ini menceritakan tentang seorang yang mengalami kesedihan My Chemical Romance Helena lyrics Lyrics Translate Helena lyrics by My Chemical Romance 9 meanings Helena explained Helena adalah lagu punk pop rock alternatif yang didedikasikan untuk nenek kedua anak Gerard dan Mikey Way Lirik ini mengungkapkan penyesalan karena kita tak ada di saat orang yang kita sayangi membutuhkan kita Lirik Lagu Helena My Chemical Romance Lengkap dengan Terjemahan Helena Lyrics by My Chemical Romance Lyrics On Demand My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics SONGLYRICScom Read the lyrics of Helena a rock song by American band My Chemical Romance from their 2004 album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge The song is also featured in the film House of Wax and expresses the pain of losing someone Find the lyrics of Helena a song by My Chemical Romance from their album May Death Never Stop You The song is about a toxic relationship and the chorus repeats the phrase So long and goodnight Long agobrJust like the hearse you die to get in againbrWe are so far from youbrBurning onbrJust like a match you strike to incineratebrThe lives of everyone you knowbrAnd whats the worst you take worst you takebrFrom every heart you break heart you breakbrAnd like a blade My Chemical Romance Helena lyrics Verse 1 Long ago just like the hearse you die to get in again We Read the lyrics of Helena a song by the rock band My Chemical Romance from their album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge The song is about a toxic relationship and the pain of letting go My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics Genius My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics Lyricscom My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics Lyricscom Helena is a song by the rock band My Chemical Romance dedicated to Gerard Ways grandmother and Mikey Ways aunt who died in a car accident The lyrics express the grief and regret of losing someone dear and the chorus repeats so long and goodnight as a farewell My Chemical Romance Helena Lyrics Meanings SongMeanings SonoraID Berikut ini lirik lagu Helena dan terjemahan yang dilantunkan oleh My Chemical Romance atau kerap disingkat MCR Menjadi salah satu singel untuk album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge lagu ini telah berusia sekitar dua dekade karena tebak888 rilis pada 2004 silam

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