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tower is killed by a basic rush after weakened by elites A Scatter total should be 15x damage Vampires Scatters seem to be perfectly optimized enemies kudos to the Tower team Killing one efficiently makes the other give max damage Still it appears I can thorn kill a scatter far better than a basic rush Scatter Signal God Rolls Stats More Mobalytics Football Clubs Scattering Ashes Policy SPARK Arsenal currently does not add any abilities that use these animations but it allows existing third party abilities such as Shield Wall to visualize properly WOTC Iridars Scatter Mod adds scatter to grenades and rockets and HEHESH Heavy Cannon shots Destiny 2 Meta PvP and PvE Meta today Blueberriesgg Simplest and best solution I saw for Scatter Arrow was to just make it not activate proc the initial scatter shot if it was activated by hitting the ground Keeps all the utility of scatter arrow subsequent arrows can still bounce off the ground just not the initial shot and it prevents the 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