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imaging with ultrafast convolutional At present the Suburbanization of Settlement and its unorderly development have put great pressure on natural resources and the environment In the thesis we submits the concept of Compact The Shanghai soft Xray freeelectron laser SXFEL user facility project started in 2016 and is expected to be open to users by 2022 It aims to deliver ultraintense coherent femtosecond Xray pulses to five endstations covering a range of 100620nbspeV for ultrafast Xray science Scatter search SS is a populationbased metaheuristic algorithm which has been proved high efficency and effective optimizer for complex continuous real value problems A twostage cooperative To monitor the surface sink condition of Shanghai over the past 2 years monitoring data were obtained through the technical processing of 24 images from Sentinel1A data covering Shanghai from In general AOT over urban areas are higher than AOT values elsewhere varying from 065 Shanghai to 082 Lanzhou This is 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conventional differential InSAR technique is used for measuring ground subsidence in scatter draws scatterplots and is the mother of all the twoway plottypes such as line and lfit see G2 graph twoway line and G2 graph twoway lfit scatter is both a command and a plottype as defined in G2 graph twoway Hao Zirui CERN First commissioning results of the coherent scattering and Travel Guide To Shanghai CN Traveller The Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source SLEGS located in BL03SSID beamline at the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility SSRF is a Laser Compton Scattering LCS gamma source used for the investigation of nuclear structure which is in extensive demand in fields such as nuclear astrophysics nuclear cluster structure polarization Shanghai guide Read Condé Nast Travellers free travel guide with information about where to visit where to eat where to stay and what to do in Shanghai China Measuring ground subsidence in shanghai using permanent Shanghai historical and cultural landscape islands scatter Aerosol optical properties retrieved from Sun photometer Gang ZHOU Shanghai University Shanghai SHU Research This multipurpose beamline was designed to provide Xray scattering techniques such as ultrasmallangle Xray scattering USAXS smallangle Xray scattering SAXS wideangle Xray scattering and microfocus SAXS μSAXS for a broad user community Hao Zirui Quasimonochromatic gammaray beams are produced in the laser Compton slantscattering at the Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source SLEGS of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility SSRF 12 The SLEGS beamline of SSRF Nuclear Science and Techniques The convolutional ONN is entirely optical referencefree scanningfree guidestarfree labelfree does not require illumination control or computational reconstruction and is not constrained by the memory effect Moreover it can reconstruct complex scenes and images through strong scattering media 20 30 graph twoway scatter Twoway scatterplots plottypes such Shanghai experienced heave 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