scatter spain - Detailed Translations for scatter from English slot free jili to Spanish scatter to scatter verb scatters scattered scattering The Popularity of Cremation in Spain Interestingly cremation in Spain has become more common in recent decades Approximately 40 of Spaniards now opt for cremation a figure that has steadily increased Many choose to scatter ashes afterward either in natural locations or at sea aligning with traditional wishes and religious practices SCATTER in Spanish Cambridge Dictionary Scattering ashes in Spain The dos and donts Provinces of Spain Wikipedia scatter EnglishSpanish Dictionary WordReferencecom Is it legal scatter ashes in the sea in Spain The Royal Decree 2182022 of March 29 modifies the Royal Decree 792019 of February 22 which regulates the compatibility report and establishes the compatibility criteria for the economic activity of placing funeral urns or funeral ashes at sea with marine strategies SCATTER Spanish translation Longman Longman Dictionary of In general in Spain you are allowed to scatter ashes as long as you avoid public roads or public parks and take the container back with you unless its made of biodegradable material Its up to each indivudual town however to issue further restrictions for example when there is a specific popular place to do so which is frequently visited by the family members of the deceased While the Spanish Armada is now remembered as one of historys great military blunders it didnt mark the end of the conflict between England and Spain In 1589 Queen Elizabeth launched a scatter scatter ˈskætɚ verbo intransitivo transitivo 1 esparcirse desparramarse Leaves scattered in the wind Las hojas se desparramaban con el viento scatter something over on something She scattered crumbs on the ground Translate scatter from English to Spanish In most cases the airline will advise Arrive early at the airport to avoid delays at airport security You can take the ashes on the plane as hand luggage You may have to declare the ashes at customs with appropriate paperwork You should also contact your destinations British consulate embassy or high commission SCATTER Translation in Spanish babla Scattering ashes in Spain Scattering Ashes in Spain is not a pleasant subject to cover but one we get asked a lot about Scattering of Ashes Ashes cannot be scattered just anywhere in Spain nor in the Sea near the coastbeach they have to be taken out on a boat a predefined distance from the shore there are specific rules and laws as to the scattering or strewing of them it is a Is it legal scatter ashes in the sea in Spain Cenizas Mediterráneo Scattering Ashes in Spain Navigating Fines and Regulations Scattered in Spanish English to Spanish Translation diagrama de dispersión nm loc adj scatter plot scatter graph n graph showing values as points estadística diagrama de dispersión loc nom m The scatter plot shows the highest and lowest temperatures for each day of the week scatter rug n small carpet tapete nm Scatterbug by countrycountry city name breakdown What are the rules on scattering a loved ones ashes in Spain transitive verb 1to strew around a esparcir Leo scattered the kibble before eating itLeo esparció las bolitas antes de comérselas b desparramar The organizers of the scavenger hunt scattered clues all over the cityLos organizadores de la búsqueda del tesoro desparramaron pruebas por toda la ciudad c sembrar a voleo While it may not be possible to gratis freebet scatter ashes wherever you wish there are thankfully several places where it is definitely allowed For example the dispersion of ashes is allowed in specific spaces in cemeteries such as a special space in Montjuïc cemetery in Barcelona the Garden of Ashes or Aromas of Zaragozas Torrero cemetery and the Bosque del Recuerdo in Bilboas Nuestra Señora Picture with a box scatter which occurs in any order Imagen con una caja scatter que se produce en cualquier orden There are other amusing features in this game like scatter and wild Hay otras funciones divertidas en este juego como el scatter y el comodín Now to scatter my cheese cubes and the rats will come Ahora a mi dispersión cubos de queso y las ratas vendrán 2 strewn a diseminado people I have family scattered all over the worldMi familia está diseminada por todo el mundo b desperdigado people books rubbish She clearly loves reading She has books scattered throughout her houseEstá claro que le encanta leer Tiene libros desperdigados por toda la casa SCATTER ASHES ALLOWED IN SPAIN Citizens Advice Bureau Spain 2 fighting scattered also isolated isolated occasional reclusive sequestered volumeup aislado adj morevert Although the negative traits of the Rat magnify impatience being sporadic scattered scrambling and shallow the Rat also represents quick mindedness and being bright and clever Scattered Spider Wikipedia Traducción scatter al Español Diccionario InglésEspañol Reverso scatter a vt 1 strew around crumbs papers etc esparcir desparramar seeds sembrar a voleo esparcir the flowers were scattered about on the floor las flores estaban desparramadas por el suelo the floor was scattered with flowers en el suelo había flores desparramadas 2 disperse Can You Take Ashes Abroad Funeral Choice Scattered Spider also referred to as UNC3944 among other names 1 is a hacking group mostly made up of individuals aged 19 to 22 as of September 2023 The group whose name was first tagged by cybersecurity researchers gained notoriety for hacking Caesars Entertainment and MGM Resorts International two of the largest casino and gambling companies in the United States The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game find communities and hold inperson PvP tournaments Scatterbug by countrycountry city name breakdown New Info Found in one of facebook groups Anguilla Antigua and Barbuda Aruba Bahamas Scattering Ashes in Spain Although the Catholic Church has been clearly condemning the idea of dispersing human remains into the wild and open areas the Spanish lawmakers has elaborated some loopholes for the families that want to scatter the cremains Whether you want to scatter your loved ones remains in nature house them in a Scatter in Spanish English to Spanish Translation SpanishDictionarycom Scattering Ashes in Europe Complete Guide 2023 Pulvis Art Urns SCATTER translate dispersarse desperdigarse esparcir desparramar esparcir dispersarse desperdigarse Learn more in the Cambridge EnglishSpanish Dictionary A province in Spain note 1 is a territorial division defined as a collection of municipalities 1 2 3 The current provinces of Spain correspond by and large to the provinces created under the purview of the 1833 territorial reorganization of Spain with a similar predecessor from 1822 during the Trienio Liberal and an earlier precedent in the 1810 Napoleonic division of Spain into scatter translation in Spanish EnglishSpanish 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