scatter spanyol - SCATTER Spanish translation Longman scatter Translation algoritma rusia slot in LEOs English Spanish Dictionary scatter in Spanish EnglishSpanish translator Nglish by Translate scatter from English to Spanish A scalar or sequence of n numbers to be mapped to colors using cmap and norm A 2D array in which the rows are RGB or RGBA A sequence of colors of length n A single color format string Note that c should not be a single numeric RGB or RGBA sequence because that is indistinguishable from an array of values to be colormapped scatter a vt 1 strew around crumbs papers etc esparcir desparramar seeds sembrar a voleo esparcir the flowers were scattered about on the floor las flores estaban desparramadas por el suelo the floor was scattered with flowers en el suelo había flores desparramadas 2 disperse SCATTER Translation in Spanish babla scatter verb ˈskætər transitive to throw or spread many similar things around an area esparcir She scattered the seeds around the flower bed Ella esparció las semillas por el parterre to cause people or things in a group to move in many directions or to move in this way scatter traducir al español con el diccionario inglés Translation for scatter in the free EnglishSpanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations Scatter Traductor de inglés a español ingléscom Spanish diseminar esparcir regar dispersar descabezar a voleo derramar disgregar desparramar rociar desordenar sembrar volcado a la desbandada disolver desperdigar desbandar Synonyms disperse disband break up split up spread more scatter a vt 1 strew around crumbs papers etc esparcir desparramar seeds sembrar a voleo esparcir the flowers were scattered about on the floor las flores estaban desparramadas por el suelo the floor was scattered with flowers en el suelo había flores desparramadas 2 disperse scatter LEO Traducción al Inglés Español Diccionario Tureng scatter Spanish English Dictionary to throw or spread many similar things around an area esparcir She scattered the seeds around the flower bed Ella esparció las semillas por el parterre to cause people or things in a group to move in many directions or to move in this way dispersarse desperdigarse The crowd scattered matplotlibpyplotscatter Matplotlib 392 documentation regar desbandar desperdigar dispersión Mostrar más He shook his head vigorously to scatter the negative feelings weighing him down Sacudió la cabeza vigorosamente para dispersar los cheat slot perkalian sentimientos negativos que lo agobiaban I watched the outflowing breeze scatter petals across the garden floor Learn the translation for scatter in LEOs English Spanish dictionary With nounverb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer Translations in context of scatter in EnglishSpanish from Reverso Context scatter symbols scatter symbol scatter plot scatter diagram scatterbrain Traducción scatter al Español Diccionario InglésEspañol scatter scatter ˈskætɚ verbo intransitivo transitivo 1 esparcir se desparramar se Leaves scattered in the wind Las hojas se desparramaban con el viento scatter something over on something She scattered crumbs on the ground Esparció migas por el suelo 2 dispersar se grupo The crowd scattered in terror SCATTERED in Spanish Cambridge Dictionary scatter Traducción al español ejemplos inglés Reverso Scatter translated from English to Spanish including synonyms definitions and related words to throw or spread many similar things around an area esparcir She scattered the seeds around the flower bed Ella esparció las semillas por el parterre to cause people or things in a group to move in many directions or to move in this way dispersarse desperdigarse The crowd scattered scatter translation in Spanish EnglishSpanish Reverso Traduce scatter Mira 6 traducciones acreditadas de scatter en español con oraciones de ejemplo conjugaciones y pronunciación de audio scattered adjective ˈskætərd of many similar things existing or occurring in various parts of an area esparcidoda masculinefeminine singular dispersosa masculinefeminine singular scattered thunder storms in the northwest tormentas dispersas en el noroeste SCATTER traducir al español Cambridge Dictionary Aprenda la traducción de scatter en LEOInglés EspañolDiccionario Con tablas de declinación y conjugación de los distintos casos y tiempos Pronunciación y discusiones relevantes Trainer de vocabulario gratuito How to say scatter in Spanish Translation of scatter to Spanish by Nglish comprehensive English Spanish Dictionary Translation and English learning by Britannica Example sentences The marbles scattered across the floor Translate Scatter See 6 authoritative translations of Scatter in Spanish with example sentences conjugations and audio pronunciations English Spanish online dictionary Tureng translate words and terms with different pronunciation options scatter diseminar fig to scatter empedrar scatter 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