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Khamenei may Allah prolong his life he says if it is commonly seen in the custom of people 39urf as a gambling instrument then it is haram and if not then it is halal You must refer to your Marja39 taqleed for this fatwa 4 Answers Sorted by 6 I39m a lawyer who studies Islamic law Muhammad Umer is correct and Mustafa is mistaken When engaging in business you certainly do expend a definite cost with the chance of profit or loss This is no different from Mustafa39s definition of gambling However the quran says this is permissible Qur39an 2275 Jangan Nafkahi Keluarga dari Uang Judi Slot Ini Hukumnya Notre compagnie offre une grande gamme de produits de qualité y compris des produits Halal exclusifs ainsi que des produits congelés Venez nous voir C39est toujours un plaisir de vous servir Our organization offers Halal supervision and Halal certification services in Canada ensuring your products meet the Highest Halal standards Canada has Muslim population of 1 million Thus there is a 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the Prophet Allah bless him and give him peace meant by prohibiting sales concluded by throwing an item of sale at the buyer and concluding the sale without knowing what is bought Are Claw Games Haram SeekersGuidance halal haram What is the definition of gambling in islam This kind of play arcade is haraam because it comes under Jika anak atau istri mengetahui ayah atau suaminya main judi slot seyogianya senantiasa diingatkan bahwa hukum menafkahi keluarga dari harta yang haram adalah haram Hal ini berdasarkan firman Allah SWT dalam AlQur39an surat AlBaqarah 2 ayat 188 yang berbunyi Halal Montreal Certification Authority Halal Certification alakum salam Going to arcades isn39t haraam as it doesn39t fall under any general prohibitions of Islam Some have said that if the game involves doing haraam things it would be haraam Gambling is haram according to consensus because Allah may He be exalted says interpretation of the meaning O you who believe Intoxicants all kinds of alcoholic drinks 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