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Brand: to kecil

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English What does kecil mean in English If you want to learn kecil in English you will find the translation here along with other translations from Indonesian to English You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce kecil in English and how to read it We hope this will help you in learning languages Mereka berukuran kecil hingga sedang burung terestrial atau lahan basah dan tubuh pendek mereka sering merata lateral untuk membantu mereka bergerak melalui vegetasi yang lebat They are small to mediumsized terrestrial or wetland birds and their short bodies are often flattened laterally to help them move through dense vegetation Mengubah Huruf Huruf Besar dan Kecil Character Calculator Kecil is an Indonesian word that means small or little in English It can be used as a prefix an adjective or a noun and has different meanings depending on the context Kompres PDF Kurangi Ukuran File PDF Online Gratis FreeConvert Reduce PDF size to 500KB or less with this free and fast 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size or scale of an object or person Rumah itu sangat kecil In this example kecil describes the size of the house indicating that it is small Sedikit On the other hand sedikit is an adjective that means few or a little in English It is used to describe a small quantity or Convert normal text letters into tiny letters for social media posts and status updates Use three special unicode alphabets small caps superscript and subscript Compress PDF Reduce PDF File Size Online for Free Smallpdf PowerPoint Compressor Tool Reduce PPT File Size For Free Choladeck Bola kecil Small ball Derived terms edit Affixed terms and other derivations Regular affixed derivations pengecil agentive qualitative instrumental abstract measure pengecilan agentive qualitative instrumental abstract measure resultative locative collective variety verbal noun fruit peN an How to say kecil in English Find more about kecil the meaning of kecil and translation of kecil from Indonesian to English on Kamusnet Perhentian 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