lyrics my way by frank sinatra - And did it my way Ive slot halal loved Ive laughed and cried Ive had my fill my share of losing And now as tears subside I find it all so amusing To think I did all that And may I say not in a shy way Oh no oh no not me I did it my way For what is a man what has he got If not himself then he has naught To say the things he truly feels Frank Sinatra My Way Remastered 2008 Lyrics SONGLYRICScom Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyricscom Find the lyrics of My Way a song popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1969 Learn about the songs history composition reception and other versions by different artists Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Meanings SongMeanings Read the lyrics of My Way a popular song by Frank Sinatra written by Paul Anka and based on a French tune Learn about the songs history reception and covers by other artists Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyrics On Demand Find the official lyrics of the classic song My Way performed by Frank Sinatra and written by Paul Anka The song expresses the singers satisfaction with his life and achievements despite the challenges and regrets Frank Sinatra My Way lyrics Read the full lyrics of the iconic song My Way by Frank Sinatra from his album Miscellaneous The song expresses his life philosophy of doing things his own way with no regrets or apologies My Way Frank Sinatra Lyrics Meaning Videos SonicHits Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyricscom Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics SONGLYRICScom I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way Ive loved Ive laughed and cried Ive had my fill my share of losing And now as tears subside I find it all so amusing To think I did all that And may I say not in a shy way Oh no oh no not me I did it my way For what is a man what has he got If not himself then he has naught Watch and listen to the classic song My Way by Frank Sinatra with lyrics and background information Learn about the songs history meaning and popularity and follow Frank Sinatra on social media Verse 1 And now the end is near And so I face the final curtain My friend Ill say it clear Ill state my case of which Im certain Ive lived a life thats full I traveled each and every Find the English lyrics of the classic song My Way by Frank Sinatra along with translations in many languages Learn the history the original French version and the cover versions of this iconic song Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics YouTube Read the lyrics of My Way a classic song popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1969 Learn about the songs history composition reception and other versions by different artists My Way by Frank Sinatra Lyrics Meaning Song Meanings and Facts Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyricscom Sinatra Frank My Way Lyrics Lyrics On Demand Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyrics On Demand Find the lyrics of My Way a song popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1969 The song was written by Paul Anka and based on a French tune and has been covered by many artists The lyrics of the song My Way by Frank Sinatra reflect angka macau 4d on the life of a person who has lived a fulfilling life without any regrets As the person nears the end of their journey they face the final curtain with clarity and without fear They take pride in their independence and express that they have lived their life on their own terms Lyrics for My Way by Frank Sinatra Songfacts The lyrics of the classic song My Way by Frank Sinatra with the famous line For what is a man what has he got If not himself then he has naught Read the comments and interpretations of the songs meaning and message Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Genius Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyricscom A classic song by Frank Sinatra about his life and achievements expressing his pride and satisfaction with his choices The lyrics include the famous line I did it my way and the chorus And now the end is here Read the song meaning and lyrics of My Way a classic song by Frank Sinatra about his life and achievements Learn how it was written rewritten and popularized by Sinatra and other artists Read the lyrics of the classic song My Way by Sinatra Frank from his album Best Of The song expresses his life philosophy of doing things his own way with no regrets or apologies A song popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1969 with lyrics by Paul Anka and music by Jacques Revaux The song expresses the singers life achievements and philosophy of doing it my way My Way Song Meaning and Lyrics Frank Sinatra Song Context My Way Frank Sinatra Song Lyrics Music Videos Concerts Shazam And may I say not in a shy way Oh no oh no not me I did it my way For what is a man what has he got If not himself then he has naught To say the things he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels The record shows I took the blows And did it my way To say the things he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels The record shows Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyricscom Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Lyricscom Read the lyrics of My Way a song popularized by Frank Sinatra in 1969 Learn about the songs history composition reception and other versions by different artists Find the full lyrics of the classic song My Way performed by Luciano Pavarotti and Frank Sinatra The song includes the famous line And now the end is near and expresses the singers Listen to My Way by Frank Sinatra See lyrics and music videos find Frank Sinatra tour dates buy concert tickets and more Find the lyrics of the classic song My Way by Frank Sinatra written by Paul Anka Jacques Revaux Gilles Thibaut and Claude Francois Watch the video and read the comments from other fans Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics AZLyricscom Sinatra Frank My Way Lyrics SONGLYRICScom Luciano Pavarotti Frank Sinatra My Way Lyrics Genius Frank Sinatras My Way stands as an indelible anthem of selfdetermination and existential triumph In a world where artistry often succumbs to conformity Sinatras rendition is a powerful assertion of personal agencya timeless ode to doing life on ones own terms Released in 1969 this song quickly ascended to 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